The majority of our customers don’t request refunds since our customers are satisfied and content with our service. However, if you’re having issues we recommend you review our refund policy for all the information you need.

Create a public Instagram profile

Create an Instagram profile public prior to placing an order. We are not able to offer services to those with accounts that are private Instagram profiles. In this situation the customer will not be eligible for a refund , or chargeback. The customer will have to publish their information for the service instead of filing a claim.

Contact our Support team

If you encounter any issues the first thing you should do is contact us. You can contact us via customer support or through . A money-back assurance is offered to all our customers when you contact us prior to 30 days. If we’re not defective, we will offer you a complete or partial reimbursement. If we are notified of the issue, we’ll make every effort to ensure you are completely satisfied.

Retention guarantee

We will not refund you if your followers, likes or views decrease. As part of our obligation to our clients we offer consumer rights and that’s why we have the policy of refills. If you notice a decrease in your number of followers or liked and followers, call us and we’ll provide you with a retention at no additional cost. There are some limitations that may apply.

More details

You will not be able to get a refund in the event of:

* Your purchase has been delivered or is on hold.
* You’ve filed a complaint through PayPal or chargedback with the credit card company you use
Your conduct is disrespectful toward the customer support staff.
* We are accountable for any damage or loss
* You’re breaking Instagram’s guidelines for community members

The reasons you’ll receive the opportunity to receive a refund

We’ll offer you an entire or partial refund only if we are unable to fulfill your order due issues with our system, or due to some issues on your accounts, or due to a doubt about the item. We will not be able to offer refunds when your order is in the process of being processed or is already delivered.